
A quick survey of our culture, and probably an assessment of our own lives growing up in the church, would reveal that there is a great need for discernment, theological depth, and a historical understanding of our faith in the church today. This is not just for the sake of knowledge, but for personal application.

Reformation Pratum 2013: Sola was the first in what we hope will be a long line of conferences that have a real impact on the lives of believers, grounding them ever more in their living, historical faith.  We are continuing this year with a focus on Pilgrim’s Progress.  Our hope is to come together in fellowship with other Bible-believing Churches and believers in the area to be equipped for His good purposes.

Here are the goals of Reformation Pratum:

  • The teach the truth in order to call men to true salvation in Christ (II Co. 5:17)
  • To know and love God in a more complete and full way (II Peter 3:18), so that we can better glorify Him in all that we do (I Corinthians 10:31)
  • To encourage, equip, and strengthen believers in their walk with the Lord (Colossians 1:10)
  • To help believers recognize truth from error and to grow in maturity and discernment (I John 4:1)
  • To help provide an historical framework for what we believe and do. We have an historic and living faith, and we can learn a lot from those who have come before, both in the mistakes they made and in their successes. (I Corinthians 10:1-13 – I believe the principle behind verse 6 could apply to more than just the historical example of Israel – “Now these things occurred as examples to keep us from setting our hearts on evil things as they did.”)
  • To learn lessons from the past, because Church history gives us a glimpse of how God’s hand moves in history (Acts 17:26), how a remnant of the faithful is maintained no matter how lost the true Gospel appears to be, how He preserves His church against the onslaught of the evil one (Matthew 16:18).
  • To give a strong, clear and systematic foundation for what we believe, why we believe it, and how it applies to our Christian walk (I Peter 3:15).

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